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NOTICE: Newcastle Disease Update MANDATORY QUARANTINE! Important information for ALL bird owners.

Rabbit Virus Vaccine In Stock

Canine Influenza Virus (CIV) Facts, Maps, etc.

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Canine Influenza Virus (CIV) Facts, Maps, etc.

Please click on the links below for information about Canine Influenza Virus – CIV.  This disease is becoming more common and wide spread.  Like influenza in humans, there are vaccines available for the common form, H3N8, and work is underway for the newer one, H3N2.  To date, this does not infect humans or other species although becoming a carrier has not been ruled out.  This information is courtesy of Merck Animal Health.

Canine Influenza Tip Sheets 06-01-15

Canine Influenza FAQ H3N2 8-4-2015 22 states

Canine Influenza Map and Locations